Android "Save" SDK
Give your app users the power to save your content


The Android SDK lets your users save content directly from inside your app, using only a few lines of code. A URL is all that is required. Additionally, we support many optional properties including; image URL, description, price, currency and multiple languages. Image URL lets you specify the direct path to an image on the web.

This SDK works directly with the Clipix app. We’ve provided helper methods to determine if the app is already installed. If it’s not installed, a panel will open prompting the user to get the app from Google Play.

How to Install

Add the following to your build.gradle

dependencies { 
    compile 'com.clipix.sdk:android-clipix-sdk:1.0.1' 
repositories { 
    maven { 
        url "" 

How to Configure

To use Clipix SDK you need to add the clip button to your layout and configure the button as follows.

Step 1. Create a Clipix “Save” button in an XML layout


Step 2. Configure the Save button

ClipixButton saveButton = (ClipixButton) findViewById(;

Step 3. Build and run the app

Optional properties
saveButton.setImageUrl(""); //Clip image
saveButton.setDescription("Description"); // Clip description
saveButton.setColor(ClipixButton.Style.STYLE_ORANGE); //Button style gray, white or orange
saveButton.setLanguage(ClipixButton.Language.English); //Button display language
saveButton.setButtonText(ClipixButton.ButtonText.SAVE, ClipixButton.Language.English);
saveButton.setPrice(20); //For product type clips saveButton.setCurrencyType(ClipixButton.CurrencyType.USD)

Optional xml variables for button style
app:color_style="orange" // gray, white or orange
app:button_text="save_this" // save or save_this